Foam Edge & Corner Profiles

Recycled polythene foam profiles - edge corner protection

Foam edge and corner protection profiles are manufactured from 100% recycled polyethene foam and are 100% recyclable. They provide extra protection for edges and corners which are more prone to damage during transit. The range offers different shapes and profile sizes, that allow for the best shape of the product being packed. Being made of foam they are light and do not add additional unwanted weight for transit but still offer excellent protection.

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Reference Description Size Pack Qty
L-50 Foam Profile L / Ocean Green 50 x 50 x 6 x 2000 mm 240
L-75 Foam Profile L / Ocean Green 75 x 75 x 10 x 2000 mm 105
U-15 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 5-15 x 2000 mm 250
U-25 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 15-25 x 2000 mm 140
U-35 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 25-35 x 2000 mm 90
U-45 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 35-45 x 2000 mm 90
U-60 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 45-60 x 2000 mm 50
U-80 Foam Profile U / Ocean Green 60-80 x 2000 mm 40
U-25-C Foam Corner / Ocean Green 25 x 100 x 100 mm 600
U-45-C Foam Corner / Ocean Green 45 x 100 x 100 mm 300